April 1, 2024

EASTER. What a loaded word!!

One can conjure up a thousand images: bunnies, eggs, flowers, crosses, sacrificial lambs, etc.  None of these reflect the true meaning of the day.

Thousands of years ago, a simple “fisher of men” took the world by storm with a new concept of love and sacrifice. No other living being has ever had as great an influence on the human race. Whether he is called Jesus, a Profit, the Messiah doesn’t change the impact his shortened, sacrificial life has made.

Today, sadly, there is sooo much controversy, denial, hatred and violence in the world that the true meaning of Easter has been buried.  Instead, the message of love and self sacrifice from so long ago has become a “Me first, last and always” mantra of all kinds of groups. Unfortunately, most of these groups don’t have a clue as to the rich, timeless message of the day.  In fact, there is a movement brewing to change the name of Easter to “Transgender Pride Visibility Day”

Now I personally don’t have anything against groups that we all know exist. But, the main message of the day is to love one another, help each other when possible, expand our circle of friends and pray that our neighbors feel the same way. According to His teachings, we must not fall into the trap of passing judgement on one another. Judging is his job, our job is to pray for one another and treat our fellow humans as we would have them treat us! It seems like a very simple concept, but when you mix in the world and pressures that we all feel day to day, it can be an enormous challenge sometimes.

In today’s world, we are training our youth to focus on building themselves up at the expense of others and “he who ends up with the most worldly possessions wins”. When the precious teachings that we should all cherish ask of us all, “What is it to gain the world and lose your soul?” Surrounding yourself with Good People is invaluable! Having a solid circle of friends ensures that we have the encouragement and backup, which we all need from time to time.

Overall, the reminder is “Love”! Online family “Love” and “Prayer” are the key to our salvation and the only path that will keep us connected to the truth and the key to brighter days! Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to seeing you again soon!